
King Tubby's Hidden Treasure : King Tubby

This is some of my favorite King Tubby, second only to "Dub Like Dirt" on my list. My copy is a Trojan release from 2002. Collaborators with Tubby on this one include Dean Fraser, the Roots Radics, Bingy Bunny, Flabba Holt, and Jah Thomas. The dub on this album seems to lumber along with plenty of heavy bass and isn't just dub tracks of the same old rythms. Highlights are tracks # : 2, 3, 4, 5, and 9. A couple of tracks have a techno-dub feel, but for the most part this is a collection of genuine dub tracks from one of the masters. Each track is layered with the thickest bass and strict rythm that makes this one perfect for the drive to Vegas or destinations unknown.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo nice work on the site. Thanks for all the good info.